Creative Brush Fine Art Gallery and Studios

brush logo
  • Sun. Mon. Tues.--------Closed
  • Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.--11:00 - 5:00
  • Also, call us and we will be happy to make an appointment to meet with you at your convenience.
  • PLUS, if you stop by during closed hours and the lights are on and the door is open, then we invite you to stop in.

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Creative Brush Studio is locatied at 8951 Center Street in Historic Manassas VA.
Parking is available on-site.


From Local Historic Manassas:

  • Going north on Center St. (same direction as the one way street).
    3/10 of a mile past the corner of Center St and Main St.
    2/10 of a mile from City Hall.
  • Creative Brush is in the same shopping strip as Old Towne Sports Pub. The shopping strip is located on the right between the traffic lights of Zebedee St. and Fairview Ave.
  • Creative Brush is on the far end of the shopping strip just before the Reformed Presbyterian Church on the corner.

  • From Washington and points east of Manassas:
    • Take 66west to exit 53A for Rt 28 south Centreville.
    • Take 28 south approx. 7 miles. to Old Town Manassas
    • Take a left at the light onto Prescott Ave.
    • Stay on Prescott Ave. a few blocks until with a hard right turn Prescott becomes Center Street.
    • Go straight and through the light at Fairview Avenue and turn left into the shopping center parking lot just beyond the church building.

    From Front Royal and areas west:
    • Take I-66 eastbound to exit 44 (VA-234South, Bypass/Prince William Parkway) for Manassas.
    • Proceed approx. 5mi. toward Manassas on 234south to ramp for Nokesville Road/28 North.
    • Take Nokesville Road/28N approx 2.5miles.
    • Nokesville Rd. becomes Centreville Rd.,
    • When it becomes a oneway street the name changes to Center St.
    • Go through the old town area; the one way becomes a two way at the corner of CenterSt and Zebedee St
    • Creative Brush is in the same shopping strip as Old Towne Sports Pub. The shopping strip is located on the right between the traffic lights of Zebedee St. and Fairview Ave.
    • Creative Brush is on the far end of the shopping strip just before the Reformed Presbyterian Church on the corner.

    From Woodbridge, Occoquan area:
    • Take Prince William Parkway (VA-3000); it will become Wellington Road as you approach Manassas.
    • Continue on Wellington Road and take a right on Fairview Ave.
    • Continue on Fairview Avenue, cross over the RailRoad Tracks and take a left at the light of Fairview Ave.
    • Turn left into the shopping center parking lot just beyond the church building.

    From I-95 and areas south:
    • Take I-95 north to exit 152B for VA-234 North toward Manassas.
    • Continue on 234 north toward Manassas approx. 13 miles.
    • Turn right onto Lake Jackson Drive
    • Go approx 2.6 miles then left onto Wellington Road.
    • Continue on Wellington Road .3 miles and take a right on Fairview Ave.
    • Continue on Fairview Avenue, cross over the RailRoad Tracks, take a left at the light of Fairview Ave.
    • Turn left into the shopping center parking lot just beyond the church building.

Please call, write or visit for more information.

Mary Reilly
Creative Brush Studio

8951 Center Street
Manassas, Virginia 20110
(703) 335-8005